Psychological First Aid in the Emergency Services 

The Emergency Services have always been in the front line of responding to traumatic incidents, from Major Incidents and Disasters, major fires, serious accidents and injuries to major crime, serious public order situations and  incidents of all descriptions involving children.

Front line firefighters, ambulance personnel, police officers, coastguard personnel and many others whose job it is to respond to emergencies can become accustomed to attending such incidents but that does not mean that they are immune to the typical adverse reactions to attending such scenes.

We offer ‘On-Line’ training courses to enable staff to help their colleagues cope with the reactions caused in dealing with such  incidents.

PFA In the Emergency Services

Training Course Details

Not all personnel attending traumatic incidents experience reactions but many do and the majority recover naturally over a fairly short time scale.  However, some do not recover naturally and the Emergency Services have, particularly in more recent years, been concerned to ensure that those involved in trauma are well supported and the minority of those experiencing such reactions who need it have access to professional mental health care.

In 2009 the Department of Health published an NHS Emergency Planning Guidance document on the Psychosocial and Mental Health Care of People Affected by Major Incidents and Disasters.  This guidance recommends the use of Psychological First Aid and Psychosocial Care in supporting those affected by traumatic incidents.  The World Health Organisation, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent and Public Health England have all recently endorsed those recommendations in the light of the COVID-19 crisis.

Psychological First Aid is an evidence-based approach to help people in the short, medium and longer term after major incidents, disasters and other traumatic incidents.  It is intended to minimise the distress that typically occurs after traumatic incidents and to help people develop ways of managing and coping.  There is no assumption that all those involved will require professional mental health care, but rather that the majority of people will experience a wide range of reactions, some of which may interfere with their lives in some way.  Below are the objectives for the course, which can be tailored to suit the organisation’s requirements.

At the conclusion of the training delegates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a knowledge of the NHS model of Psychosocial Care and Psychological First Aid
  • Describe their organisation’s policy and procedures for dealing with traumatic incidents
  • Decide upon an appropriate course of action following traumatic incidents
  • Conduct a defusing session
  • Conduct a helpful Psychological First Aid Session
  • Recognise typical Post Trauma Reactions and the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Provide an appropriate level of support at various times following an incident
  • Identify those who may be in need of mental health care using the process of Psychosocial Triage and refer them appropriately
  • Give appropriate advice to those with responsibility for managing others who have been involved in traumatic incidents
  • Recognise the limits of their skills and knowledge and obtain professional advice when appropriate
  • Understand the relevant legal provisions
  • Provide effective care for themselves and their colleagues

 Organising Training

This training is designed to be run ‘In-House’ on behalf of Emergency Service organisations and their partners.  However, in the Covid 19 situation, it is also being offered as an ‘On-Line’ option, using any of the usual video conferencing platforms.  It has been run regalarly for the Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service over a period of some years and has received excellent feedback.

To discuss how we might tailor this training most appropriately for your needs please contact Gerry on: or telephone on 0118 973 1546 or 0781 841 0254.

Feedback from our clients

“Zoom approach worked surprisingly well. Small group work made possible –excellent. Good slides and content. Good pre-course reading and information for future reference. Knowledge and experience of Gerry”

  • Facilitation via Zoom and breakout rooms worked really well given current limitations.
  • Anecdotal stories based on Gerry’s previous experience were interesting and relevant and helped illustrate the points he was making.
  • Humorous style and relaxed delivery welcomed.
  • Good balance of facilitator input, case studies and group discussion.
  • Calm and well-paced delivery and good humoured.
  • Clear and good at keeping everyone involved.
  • Excellent content and facilitation in difficult/different circumstance –well done and thanks Gerry.
  • The break halfway through each session was really helpful. Working online requires a different level of concentration so a break is important.

Feedback from Consultant Doctors following recent training for Health Education England

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